Goetterdimmerung Configuration

This file specifies the possible configuration options for Goetterdimmerung. There also is a collection of config examples.

Global Options

List of entities to be controlled. See Entity Configuration.

Type: list of entities.

The name of the attribute to be controlled. This attribute is sent as service data in calls to services, e.g. light.turn_on.

Type: str / Default: “brightness”

The name of the service to be called for turning an entity on. Note that the dot separating component and service must be replaced by a forward slash (/)

Type: str / Default: “light/turn_on”

The name of the service to be called for turning an entity off. Note that the dot separating component and service must be replaced by a forward slash (/)

Type: str / Default: “light/turn_off”

The name of the service to be called for toggling an entity. Note that the dot separating component and service must be replaced by a forward slash (/)

Type: str / Default: “light/toggle”

Setting this to true causes switched-off entities to be ignored during dimming (instead of turning them on). This allows to control multiple different lighting scenes with a single Goetterdimmerung instance. See the M̀ultiple Scenes Example.

Type: bool / Default: false

The number of dimming steps. Note that this can be different from the number of values that are possible for the controlled value (“brightness”) of the entities.

Type: int / Default: 255

The number of steps to increase / decrease the internal step counter at every interval.

Type: int / Default: 20

The interval in miliseconds between two dimming steps

Type: int / Default: 200

The event at which to start dimming up. See the event specification documentation for details.

Type: event specification

The event at which to stop dimming up. See the event specification documentation for details.

Type: event specification

The event at which to start dimming down. See the event specification documentation for details.

Type: event specification

The event at which to stop dimming down. See the event specification documentation for details.

Type: event specification

The event at which to turn all entities on. See the event specification documentation for details.

Type: event specification

The event at which to turn all entities off. See the event specification documentation for details.

Type: event specification

The event at which to toggle all entities. See the event specification documentation for details.

Type: event specification

Entity Configuration

The entities key of the global configuration expects a list of entities. An example of such a list could be:

Each element of the list denotes one controlled entity. Each entity has the following configuration options:

The entity ID of the controlled entity.

Type: Entity ID (str)

Minimum value (“brightness”) to ever send to the entity. The light will never be dimmed below this value (unless turned off).

Type: int / Default: 0

Maximum value (“brightness”) to ever send to this entity. The light will never be dimmed above this value.

Type: int / Default: 255

The minimum step at which this light should be turned on. At steps below this step, the light will be turned off.

Type: int / Default: 0

The step at which this light should reach its maximum brightness. All steps above this step will still only set the light to its maximum brightness.

Type: int / Default: The maximum number of steps

The weight of this light. When two lights are dimmed up simultaneously, their brightness should increase proportionally to their weight.

Type: float / Default: 1.0

Specification of how to get attributes for this entity when turning it on. See the initial values config for details. This allows to always turn lights on with a specified brightness, or color, or white temperature.

Type: initial value config

The state that should be considered off for this device.

Type: str / Default: “off”

Initial Value Configuration

The initial option in the entity configuration allows to retrieve arbitrary attributes to be sent with the turn_on service calls. The configuration is a dictionary, where every key corresponds to an attribute to be sent. For each of these attributes, there are three ways of configuring a value:

  • A string that does not contain a dot is treated as a fixed value

  • A string that contains a dot is treated as an entity ID. The respective entity’s state is used as value.

  • A dictionary must contain an entity_id or a value and a type. The entity’s state (resp. the fixed value) is cast into the requested type.

These are examples of setting the color_temperature attribute for a light:

Setting a fixed value of 100:

        color_temperature: 100

Setting a fixed value of 100, casting to int:

          value: 100
                type: "int"

Getting the state of an input_number, casting to int:

          entity_id: input_number.some_entity
                type: "int

Event Specification

Several configuration options allow for the specification of an event. Every event specification is a dictionary. It must have a key event specifying the type of event to listen for. Additionally, it may have a key event_data, which can in turn contain a dictionary of arbitrary key-value mappings. The respective function will only be triggered if every key-value mapping in the event_data dictionary is also present in the event data of the fired event.

This configuration starts the “dim up” function only if a deconz_event of type 1002 was fired from a button with the id my_button:

  event: "deconz_event"
          id: "my_button"
                event: 1002