Welcome to Tableprinter’s documentation!

Tableprinter is a small python module that allows you to print your data in tables, be it as ASCII or Unicode table, HTML table or LaTeX tabular. It allows for hierarchical columns and rows (see an example TODO of this). To jump right in, you can have a look at the examples, or you can read the API docs.

Big Picture

You supply the Tableprinter with your data as a list of dictionaries. Every dictionary becomes one cell of the table. Together with the list of dictionaries, you provide the constructor with a list of options describing your data. See the constructor documentation. Then, you can call various as_<format> methods, which produce output in the requested format. Each of these methods accepts a list of options controlling various specifics of the output formatting. See the the output format documentation for details.


This should do the trick:

pip install tableprinter

Indices and tables

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