Yggdrasill  0.2
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CInnerNodeRepresentation of either a start or an end of an interval
 CCombinerPackThis class represents the pack of combiners associated with every node of a Dynamic Segment Tree
 CDynamicSegmentTreeThe Dynamic Segment Tree class
 CDynSegTreeNodeBaseBase class (template) to supply your node class with metainformation
 CDynSegTreeNodeTraitsYou must derive your own traits class from this class template, telling the DynamicSegmentTree how to interact with your node class
 CIntervalTreeStores an Interval Tree
 CITreeNodeTraitsAbstract base class for the Node Traits that need to be implemented
 CListAn intrusive doubly-linked list class
 Cconst_iteratorConst iterator over all elements in the list
 CiteratorIterator over all elements in the list
 CListNodeBaseBase class (template) to supply your node class with metainformation
 CMaxCombinerA combiner that allows to retrieve the maximum value over any range
 CRangedMaxCombinerA combiner that allows to retrieve the maximum value over any range plus the range over which the maximum occucrs
 CRBDefaultNodeTraitsHelper base class for the NodeTraits you need to implement
 CRBTreeThe Red-Black Tree
 CRBTreeNodeBaseBase class (template) to supply your node class with metainformation
 CUseRBTreeClass used to select the red-black tree as underlying tree for the DynamicSegmentTree
 CUseWBTreeClass used to select the weight balanced tree as underlying tree for the DynamicSegmentTree
 CUseZipTreeClass used to select the Zip Tree tree as underlying tree for the DynamicSegmentTree
 CWBDefaultNodeTraitsHelper base class for the NodeTraits you need to implement for the weight balanced tree
 CWBTreeThe Weight Balanced Tree
 CWBTreeNodeBaseBase class (template) to supply your node class with metainformation
 CZTreeThe Zip Tree
 CZTreeNodeBaseBase class (template) to supply your node class with metainformation