▼Nygg | |
▼Nbst | |
▼CBinarySearchTree | |
Cconst_iterator | |
Citerator | |
CBSTNodeBase | |
CDefaultFindCallbacks | |
CDefaultParentContainer | |
▼Ndyn_segtree_internal | |
CInnerNode | Representation of either a start or an end of an interval |
CInnerSequenceInterface | |
▼Nintervaltree_internal | |
CDummyRange | |
CExtendedNodeTraits | |
CIntervalCompare | |
CCombinerPack | This class represents the pack of combiners associated with every node of a Dynamic Segment Tree |
CDynamicSegmentTree | The Dynamic Segment Tree class |
CDynSegTreeNodeBase | Base class (template) to supply your node class with metainformation |
CDynSegTreeNodeTraits | You must derive your own traits class from this class template, telling the DynamicSegmentTree how to interact with your node class |
▼CIntervalTree | Stores an Interval Tree |
▼CQueryResult | |
Cconst_iterator | |
CITreeNodeBase | |
CITreeNodeTraits | Abstract base class for the Node Traits that need to be implemented |
▼CList | An intrusive doubly-linked list class |
Cconst_iterator | Const iterator over all elements in the list |
Citerator | Iterator over all elements in the list |
CListNodeBase | Base class (template) to supply your node class with metainformation |
CMaxCombiner | A combiner that allows to retrieve the maximum value over any range |
CRangedMaxCombiner | A combiner that allows to retrieve the maximum value over any range plus the range over which the maximum occucrs |
CRBDefaultNodeTraits | Helper base class for the NodeTraits you need to implement |
CRBTree | The Red-Black Tree |
CRBTreeNodeBase | Base class (template) to supply your node class with metainformation |
CUseRBTree | Class used to select the red-black tree as underlying tree for the DynamicSegmentTree |
CUseWBTree | Class used to select the weight balanced tree as underlying tree for the DynamicSegmentTree |
CUseZipTree | Class used to select the Zip Tree tree as underlying tree for the DynamicSegmentTree |
CWBDefaultNodeTraits | Helper base class for the NodeTraits you need to implement for the weight balanced tree |
CWBTree | The Weight Balanced Tree |
CWBTreeNodeBase | Base class (template) to supply your node class with metainformation |
CZTree | The Zip Tree |
CZTreeDefaultNodeTraits | |
CZTreeNodeBase | Base class (template) to supply your node class with metainformation |