Yggdrasill  0.2
Weight Balanced Tree Example

This page provides an example of how to use the weight balanced tree. For information on what a weight balanced tree is and how it behaves, please see Overview over the Data Structures.

The code can also be found in the examples directory.

#include "../src/ygg.hpp"
using namespace ygg;
/* The tree options
* We allow multiple nodes with the same key to be inserted into the tree.
* Also, we want the balance parameters to be chosen as (3,2), i.e., (3/1, 2/1).
using MyTreeOptions =
TreeOptions<TreeFlags::MULTIPLE, TreeFlags::WBT_DELTA_NUMERATOR<3>,
/* The node class
* Provides a simple key -> value mapping, where the key is an integer and the
* value is a string.
class Node : public WBTreeNodeBase<Node, MyTreeOptions> {
int key;
std::string value;
// need to implement this s.t. we can use the default
// ygg::utilities::flexible_less as comparator
operator<(const Node & other) const
return this->key < other.key;
// Configure the RBTree based on Node and the default NodeTraits
// We need this s.t. we can query by key value (i.e, an int) directly
operator<(const Node & lhs, const int rhs)
return lhs.key < rhs;
operator<(const int lhs, const Node & rhs)
return lhs < rhs.key;
main(int argc, char ** argv)
MyTree t;
// Storage for the actual nodes.
// WARNING: using STL containers here can backfire badly. See TODO.
Node nodes[5];
// Initialize the nodes with some values
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
nodes[i].key = i;
nodes[i].value = std::string("The key is ") + std::to_string(i);
// Insert them
for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
// What was the string for i = 3 again?
auto it = t.find(3); // Note we're using a int to query here, not a Node
assert(it != t.end());
std::string retrieved_value = it->value; // *it is the Node
// Okay, we don't need that Node anymore.
return 0;